Pocong depictions vary. It is said, pocong have a green face with eyes that were empty. Depictions of other states, pocong flat-faced and has a hole or hollow eyes closed cotton with pale white faces. Those who believe in the existence of ghosts is assumed, pocong is a form of protest from the dead are forgotten before the grave was opened kafannya bond closed.
Although often portrayed in the film pocong jumping moves, the myth of the pocong instead declare floating pocong move. This is understandable, because in the films cast pocong could not move his legs so that the operation should be jumping up and down. Belief in the existence of ghosts pocong just developing in Indonesia, especially in Java and Sumatra. Although his description to follow Muslim tradition, other religious people also turned out to acknowledge the existence of this ghost.
2. Kuntilanak
Kuntilanak figure depicted in the form of a beautiful woman. Kuntilanak depicted happy terrorizing villagers for revenge. Kuntilanak as appears always accompanied by fragrant frangipani flowers. It is said that men who are not careful could be killed after kuntilanak transformed into blood-sucking. Kuntilanak also happy to eat babies and harm pregnant women.
In the spooky stories and horror movies on TV Malaysia, kuntilanak depicted kill prey by sucking the blood in the neck, like vampir.Agak different from the traditional picture of Malay, Sundanese kuntilanak traditionally do not have a hole in the back and only interfere with the appearance only. The kind that has a hole in the back as the description above is called sundel perforated. Kuntilanak reportedly also like a certain tree as a "dwelling"
3. Sundel Bolong
Sundel perforated in Indonesia ghost myth depicted with long-haired woman and a white long dress. Also depicted are the formation of holes in the back are slightly covered her long hair so that the internal organs visible ventrally. Dimitoskan ghost sundel perforated die because of being raped and gave birth to her son from the grave. Usually sundel perforated also narrated like taking babies just born
4. Palasik
Palasik according to stories, legends or beliefs of the Minangkabau is a kind of supernatural beings. According to Minangkabau palasik trust is not a ghost but human beings who have a high level black magic. Palasik greatly feared by mothers at the Minangkabau who has the toddler because the child's food palasik baby / toddler, either still in the womb or already dead (buried), depending on the type palasik it.
Science palasik trusted hereditary nature. If the parents are a child palasik it would be so palasik.
In general palasik works by releasing his head. There are agencies that run its search for food and some are of his head hovering foraging.
5. Wewe Gombel
Wewe Gombel is a term in Javanese tradition, which means evil spirit or ghost who likes to steal the children, but not mencelakainya. It is said that children who were stolen are usually children who are abandoned and neglected by her parents. Wewe Gombel will usually scare the child's parents on attitudes and their treatment to their children until they were unconscious. if they were aware, Wewe Gombel would restore her son.
According to the story, Wewe Gombel is the spirit of a woman who died committed suicide because of being chased people for having killed her husband. It happened after the husband of the woman having an affair with another woman. The husband did so because his wife could not give a child a very expected. Finally he was shunned and hated by her husband and ostracized to go crazy and trash.
Wewe Gombel called because the incident occurred in the area in Gombel, Semarang. If we are driving from the direction toward Banyumanik jatingaleh, it will show the former star of beer advertising. That's where it is said to be Gombel Wewe location. Some people mentioned that the location is the location of the royal ghost. According to that story too, it makes a hotel located on the hillside location Gombel become bankrupt.
6. Kuyang
Kuyang is an invisible form of a human head attached tothe content the body without the skin and limbs that can fly to find the baby's blood . These creatures are known to the public in Kalimantan. Kuyang actually a man (woman) who demanded the teachings of black magic to achieve eternal life. By day, a kuyang will take everyday life as an ordinary person, but he usually wore robes. At night kuyang will fly to find the baby's blood or blood delivery to inhaled as a means of increasing strength of its science. People who saw kuyang usually see it flying like a big bird.
7. Genderuwo
Genderuwo is a kind of jinn or evil spirits that the human form of large-bodied ape-like and stocky with dark reddish skin color, his body covered with thick hair that grows in the whole body. Genderuwo mainly known in the community on the island of Java (Sundanese people call it "gandaruwo" and the Javanese call them "devils"). Habitat occupancy watery passion is rock, old buildings, large trees shade or damp corners quiet and dark. Domicile center of this creature believed to be in Donoloyo Teak Forest, Sloghimo district, about 60 km east of Wonogiri, and in the Weak White, Purwosari, Girimulyo, Kulon Progo about 60 km to the west of Yogyakarta.
8. Tuyul
Tuyul (Javanese: thuyul) in the mythology of the archipelago, especially in Java, is a tangible spirit of small children or a runt with a bald head. Other depictions that are not agreed upon all people of color is silvery, social nature (in the sense of a community and a leader), and a voice like a chicken. Tuyul can be employed by an employer humans for some reason, especially stealing (money). To counteract tuyul, people put crab in a corner of the house because tuyul trusted like crab so that he forgot the duties charged to the owner. Tuyul incident is believed to come from people who miscarried fetuses or infants who died at birth. Coming from a baby, as well as characters tuyul children: love to play (such as reports of people seeing a number of tuyul play at midnight, etc.).
9. Leak
In Balinese mythology, Leak was the wicked witch. Le ak means witch and evil means. Leak can only be seen at night by the shaman hunter leak. In the afternoon he looked like a human being, while at night he was in the cemetery to find the organs in the human body uses to make magic potions. Magic potions that can change the shape leak into a tiger, monkey, pig or become like Rangda. If necessary he can also take organs from living people.
10. Rangda
Rangda is the queen of the leak in the mythology of Bali. This fearsome creature is told often kidnap and eat children and lead the troops against the evil witch Barong, a symbol of good strength. Told that most likely comes from the queen Manendradatta Rangda who live on the island of Java in the 11th century. He was exiled by the king Dharmodayana for alleged acts of magic to the consort of two kings. According to legend he took revenge by killing half the kingdom, which later became his property and the property Dharmodayana son, Erland. Then he was replaced by someone who is wise. Rangda name means also a widow. Rangda is very important to the mythology of Bali. Barong or fight the battle against Erland often featured in dances. This dance is very popular and is an important legacy in the tradition of Bali. Rangda described as a woman with long hair disheveled and has long nails. His face was scary and have sharp teeth
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